X Workshop on Differential Geometry
09-20 March 2020 Praia do Francês-Brazil
Past Events > 2013III Workshop on Differential Geometry 4-8 March 2013
Minicourse Benoît Daniel (Institut Élie Cartan de Nancy, Université de Lorraine) Teoremas de existência e unicidade para esferas de curvatura media constante em variedades homogêneas
Andre Neves (Imperial College London) Applications of Min-max theory
Mikhail Belolipetsky (IMPA) Two-systoles of hyperbolic three-manifolds
Jose A. Galvez (Universidad de Granada) Existence of barriers for hypersurfaces with prescribed curvatures in M × R
Jose Espinar (IMPA) Manifolds with Density, applications and Gradient Schrödinger Operators Levi Lopes de Lima (UFC) The Penrose conjecture for asymptotically hyperbolic graphs
Jorge H. de Lira (UFC) Prescribed mean curvature graphs in warped products
Fernando Codá Marques (IMPA) Min-max theory of minimal surfaces
Davi Maximo (University of Texas at Austin) On the blow-up of four-dimensional Ricci flow singularities
Ivaldo Nunes (IMPA) A local rigidity result for the deSitter-Schwarzschild space
Paolo Piccione (USP) Isometry Group and Geometry of Finsler Manifolds
G. Pacelli Bessa (UFC) On the spectrum of bounded submanifolds
Ernani Ribeiro Jr (UFC) Uniqueness of quasi-Einstein Metrics on 3-homogeneous manifolds and Hn×R
Harold Rosenberg (IMPA) Properly immersed minimal surfaces of finite topology in M × S1, M a complete hyperbolic surface of finite area
Graham Smith (UFRJ) Extremal Hypersurfaces in Convex 3-Manifolds
Detang Zhou (UFF) Convergence for f-minimal surfaces in 3-manifold with positive Bakry-Emery Ricci curvature